British Industrial Revolution
Industrial Revolution is a thorough change in human life due to changes
in how to produce the goods, using engine power. The Industrial
Revolution in England affects several factors, namely;
• How to Produce Change
Industrial revolution is a major change in human history. Changes in the
mean is a change of producing goods, from human power, animal, and
nature into mechanical power.
1. Before the Industrial Revolution, humans produce goods denan hand
tools or simple tools. His general they work in homes in rural areas.
There is also work in a kind of workshop that is owned by the guild.
2. After the Industrial Revolution, humans produce goods with the
machine. They no longer working in the house or garage, but in large
factories. Thus, through the Industrial Revolution, factory as a
workplace to replace the house and garage, the engine replaces the hand
• Human life changes
Berubh practices in production from hand to machine also made changes in
human life, namely in the political, economic and social.
1. In the economic field, the change of the system of small-scale
domestic economy into the economic system of large-scale factory
industry (both in quantity and production)
2. On social issues, changes from agrarian society to a society patterned industry.
3. In the political field, a change from the domination of aristocrats,
landlords, wealthy merchants, and clergy to the dominance among the
owners of capital in government.
Background to the Industrial Revolution
The Industrial Revolution began in Britain since the early 18th century.
Later, the Industrial Revolution spread to some European countries and
North America in the early 19th century. Since the mid-19th century
industrialization spread to Western Europe and the United States.
There are a number of reasons behind the UK as a place to start the Industrial Revolution.
• Natural Resources
British Land is rich in coal and iron ore of good quality. Both items
were very on the need for Industry. Coal to fuel the engine. Iron ore is
the raw materials for heavy industry.
British natural resource wealth that is equipped with epksplorasi
activity that is done its citizens. Exploration of natural resources has
become a tradition as in English. They realize that exploration is very
important for improving the standard of living.
Natural resource exploration activity in the UK is supported by a
scientific institute called "The Royal Society for Improving Natural
Knowledge". The institution that was established in 1662, acted as
sponsor various activities of exploration of natural resources.
• Colonies Has Broad
In the mid-18th century, Britain emerged as a colonial power in segani.
Kingdom has a large colony. Vast British colony that supports the
development of industry in the UK. On the one hand, the colonies
provided the raw materials industry that does not exist in the UK. On
the other hand, the colonies is where the marketing of the industry in
the UK.
• Liberal Economic System Development
Developments in the industry may be growing right by his liberal
economic system in the UK. The economic system is a reaction to the
economic system of mercantilism. Mercantilism force in Britain since the
16th century. With mercantilism, the British government strictly
regulate and control the kingdom's economy.
In the 18th century, came the idea for the government to remove its
interference in perkeonomian kingdom. Economic activity in the leave to
the individual. With that freedom, the kingdom's economy will grow. The
thought in his forward by Adam Smith.
Granting freedom to the individual to develop her economy in accordance
with the mode of life industry dynamic and fast paced. In the midst of a
liberal economic system, growing passion to develop the business and
open a new business field. The spirit of trying it seems to be a
"fertile field" for its growing industrial revolution.
• Development of Science and Technology
The development industry is supported by the development of science.
Since the 16th century, Britain entered the century of thought. At that
time, appeared several leading scientists in the UK, such as Isaac
Newton, James Watt, Edward Jenner, and Henry Bessemer. Appearance of
prominent scientists that resulted in his many new ideas emerged.
The development of science of his close association with the development
of technology. Based on new ideas, humans create tools to simplify his
work. Findings appear machines. The new findings was the start of the
Industrial Revolution in England.
The development of industry in England Revolution
• Textile Industry
Progress in the textile industry is the starting point of the Industrial Revolution.Before the industrial revolution, spinning and weaving using a simple spinning wheel.By
means of a simple spinning and weaving, the number of yarns and fabrics
that produced very limited. Though it has a lot of work takes time and
energy. How it works very mengandalakan hand skill that lasted until
1700. Since the year 1733, new findings appear that changed drastically
in the workings of a small industry.
o Year 1733, John kay find loom called the Flying Shuttle. With
human-powered machine that, in doing more quickly. As a result, the yarn
spinners need more to offset the speed of the machine working.
o 1764, Janes Hargreaves invented the Spinning Jenny spun named. With
human-powered machine, the yarn is on the right is more subtle and more.
Consequently, in needs a lot of the Flying Shuttle to match the speed
of this machine.
o In 1769, Richard Akrwright find spinning machine called the Water
Frame. With a water-powered engine, the yarn produced is increasing,
smooth and strong. As a result more in need more of it the Flying
o 1779, Samuel Compton discovered donkey-powered spinning machine called
the Spinning Mule. Thus the number of Flying Shuttle and weavers who
need it in more and more. As a result, the number of workers spinners
and weavers become unbalanced.
o 1785, Edmund Cartwright invented called Power Loom weaving is in
motion it with steam power. The findings were right to balance the
number of spinners and weavers in the textile industry. Meanwhile, the
amount of cloth on it more and more results.
• Iron and Steel Industry
Before the industrial revolution, ordinary wood in order not to heat up
my iron ore. Then, in his charcoal added during the smelting process in
that way, the production of iron lasted very long. Since the industrial
revolution, coal began in guana it as fuel. In addition, it also met a
new way of smelting process. The use of coal and how the new smelter,
marking a remarkable progress in iron and steel industry.
o In 1710, Abraham Darby succeeded in using his core coal to melt iron.
o In 1780, Henry Cool find her a new way to produce large amounts of iron sheets.
o In 1856, Henry introduced his process of transforming raw iron from a blast furnace into steel.
Progress and new discoveries that make coal increasingly important in
iron and steel industry. As a result, coal mining became the major
mining sector in the UK. In addition, the location of iron and coal
industry to move from area to area rich in timber and coal rich.
• Steam engine
Energy sources is an important factor in the Industrial Revolution.
Before the Industrial Revolution, humans, horses and donkeys and
waterwheel is a source of energy. Energy sources that are inefficient.
At the beginning of the development of textile industry, machines are
still in motion new findings by the power these. As a result of his
machines can not work optimally.
Remarkable changes occurred after James Watt discovered the steam
engine, in 1763. His machine was perfected her findings the findings of
Thomas Newcomen engine. Newcomen engine of his first serves only to pump
water in coal mines. In addition, this machine is also not efficient
because wasteful of fuel. After Watt overcome weaknesses Newcomen
engine, steam engines became more efficient and generate the more power
so it can be used as a source of energy in factories.
The findings of the steam engine by James Watt brought a major impact on
the industry in the UK. The machinery industry to work more optimally
with a longer time span. It looked too big influence on the movement of
the location of the factories. Before her, the factories are located in
the vicinity of the source water because the machines in motion by the
turbines. Once the steam engine is found, the factories tend to be
located near coal mines.
• Transportation
During the industrial revolution, the field of transportation made
progress. The progress which include the construction of canals,
highways, and railroads.
o Canal, in the year 1761, in the wake Bridgewater canal. The canal
connects the centers of mining coal in Manchester. Because it proved
extremely beneficial, next canals in England.
o Steam Boat, in 1807, Robert Fulton, an American, find it Steam.
Several years later, the steamer became public transport in Britain.
o Highway, in 1800, state highway in the UK is very bad. In 1815, John
MacAdam introduce a way to build the highway. Expedite the development
of transport by road
o Locomotive, 1814, George Stephenson's steam locomotive named Blucher
found. The locomotive was capable of carrying six small coal wagon with a
speed of 6 km per hour. In 1829, he found it a faster steam locomotive,
named Rocket. Locomotives that can run with a speed of 58 km per hour.
o Railway, in 1825, built a rail in the north of England, called The
Stockton and Darlington Railway. In a short time become a rail transport
in addition to the canal because lebh fast.
Impact of the Industrial Revolution
• Capitalism
The Industrial Revolution marks the show its new class in society.
Classes are at the mean is the owners of capital. They are known as
capitalists. With the power of which is owned capital, the capitalists
have industrial centers in the UK.
Appearance of the capitalists as well as in Tunjang by the elimination
of economic system mercantilism. Instead, the government made liberal
economic system. The government gave freedom to the individual to build
the economy. In an atmosphere of freedom, the only people who have the
capital strength that is able to get his success. They are no other is
the Capitalist class.
Before the revolution, state-controlled economy. Since the revolution,
the master of the capitalist economy. His ruling capitalists into her
English as a Capitalist State. In his next, for capitalists also in
power in the political field. Either directly or indirectly. For
example, before the American Revolution, the British government issued a
Tea Act. Which protects the interests of trade unions EIC untu master
the trade in North America.
• Taking Land to Land Industria
o Shifting farmers into factory workers Profession
Reduced its agricultural land resulted in a lot of farmers lost their
jobs. To make ends meet, they then work to become factory workers. Work
at the plant are very different atmosphere compared to the rice fields.
The workers are bound by the rules of working hours. Wages tend to be
o The Emergence of Industrial Cities
The establishment of industrial centers in the follow with its growing
industrial city. In his early, around the factories and their workers'
family lives, as well as residents who trade daily needs. Then in the
wake of Transport and Communication facilities invite more people to
come to that place.
o Shown Unions
In addition to his memuncul the capitalists, the Revolution led to
another new class in society, namely the buruh.Kehadiran the workers in
the industrial town is very striking because a lot of them. Because the
same fate in terms of unfair treatment from the capitalists, the workers
formed an organization known as the Trade Unions. This union in his
intention to raise the demands of his rights and Repair welfare of the
Modern Imperialism
Imperialism is the act untu expand territory by conquest of other
regions. The emergence of industrial revolution lead to imperialism
goals changed. Modern imperialism aims to obtain raw materials for
industry and market goods industry in the colony. With a goal like that,
modern imperialism treat the colonies as a source of raw materials as
well as industrial markets.
A new treatment against the colonial rulers to bring consequences for
the country to prosper the colonies. Prosperity is the need to do for
the people in the colony able to buy the goods of the industry. Britain
is a modern imperialist state. That is why, Territory British colonies
tend lebh prosperous.
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