Kamis, 25 Oktober 2012

Five Tiger Generals of Shu

During the three kingdoms in China, which divides China into three major powers, including the Wei, Shu, Wu. Shu Han has the greatest generals dubbed the "Five Tiger General". The following is a list of General Shu according Favorite author of this blog.

1.Ma Chao (176-222AD (47 Years))

Rank and Titles
1.Subordinate Officer of Sili Xiaowei (Sili Xiaowei Dujun Congshi)
2.Lieutenant General
3.General Who Conquers the West (self-proclaimed)
4.General Who Subdues the West and Colonel Consultant of the Army
5.Marquis of Duting
6.General of the Left (Serve Liu Bei)
7.General of the Agile Cavalry and Provincial Governor of Liang (AD 221)
8. Marquis of Lixiang (AD 221)
9. Marquis of Yuewei (posthumous)

2.Zhao Yun (168-229AD (61 Years))
Rank and Titles
1.General of the Standard (AD 208; Before Chi Bi)
2.Lieutenant General (AD 208; After Chi Bi)
3. General of the Flying Army (AD 212)
4. General of Tiger Valor (AD 219)
5. General Who Protects the Center (AD 222)
6. General Who Conquers the South (AD 222)
7. Marquis of Yongchang (AD 222)
8. General Who Guards the East
9. General of the Centre Army (AD 227; Demotion)
10. Marquis of Shunping (AD 261; Posthumous)

3.Zhang Fei (167-221AD (54 Years))
Rank and Titles
1.General of the Gentlemen of the Household
2.Grand Administrator of Yidu
3. General Who Subdues the Caitiffs
4.Marquis of Xinting
5.General of the Left (AD 219)
6.General of the Chariots and Cavalry (AD 221)
7.Colonel Director of the Retainers (AD 221)
8.Marquis of Xixiang (AD 221)
9.Marquis of Yueheng (posthumous)

4.Guan Yu (160-219AD (59 Years))
Rank and Titles
2.Lieutenant General (AD 200)
3.Marquis of Hanshou (AD 200)
4.Governor of Xiangyang
5. General Who Terrifies Criminals
6.General of the Front (AD 219)
7.Marquis of Zhuangchou (posthumous)

5.Huang Zhong (148-221AD (73 Years))
Rank and Titles
1.General of the Gentlemen of the Household;
2.Acting Major-general
3.General Who Exterminates the Caitiffs
4.General Who Subdues the West (AD 219)
5.General of the Rear (AD 219)
6.Marquis of the Imperial Domain
7.Marquis Gang (posthumous)

British Industrial Revolution

British Industrial Revolution
Industrial Revolution is a thorough change in human life due to changes in how to produce the goods, using engine power. The Industrial Revolution in England affects several factors, namely;
• How to Produce Change
Industrial revolution is a major change in human history. Changes in the mean is a change of producing goods, from human power, animal, and nature into mechanical power.
1. Before the Industrial Revolution, humans produce goods denan hand tools or simple tools. His general they work in homes in rural areas. There is also work in a kind of workshop that is owned by the guild.
2. After the Industrial Revolution, humans produce goods with the machine. They no longer working in the house or garage, but in large factories. Thus, through the Industrial Revolution, factory as a workplace to replace the house and garage, the engine replaces the hand work.
• Human life changes
Berubh practices in production from hand to machine also made changes in human life, namely in the political, economic and social.
1. In the economic field, the change of the system of small-scale domestic economy into the economic system of large-scale factory industry (both in quantity and production)
2. On social issues, changes from agrarian society to a society patterned industry.
3. In the political field, a change from the domination of aristocrats, landlords, wealthy merchants, and clergy to the dominance among the owners of capital in government.
Background to the Industrial Revolution
The Industrial Revolution began in Britain since the early 18th century. Later, the Industrial Revolution spread to some European countries and North America in the early 19th century. Since the mid-19th century industrialization spread to Western Europe and the United States.
There are a number of reasons behind the UK as a place to start the Industrial Revolution.
• Natural Resources
British Land is rich in coal and iron ore of good quality. Both items were very on the need for Industry. Coal to fuel the engine. Iron ore is the raw materials for heavy industry.
British natural resource wealth that is equipped with epksplorasi activity that is done its citizens. Exploration of natural resources has become a tradition as in English. They realize that exploration is very important for improving the standard of living.
Natural resource exploration activity in the UK is supported by a scientific institute called "The Royal Society for Improving Natural Knowledge". The institution that was established in 1662, acted as sponsor various activities of exploration of natural resources.
• Colonies Has Broad
In the mid-18th century, Britain emerged as a colonial power in segani. Kingdom has a large colony. Vast British colony that supports the development of industry in the UK. On the one hand, the colonies provided the raw materials industry that does not exist in the UK. On the other hand, the colonies is where the marketing of the industry in the UK.
• Liberal Economic System Development
Developments in the industry may be growing right by his liberal economic system in the UK. The economic system is a reaction to the economic system of mercantilism. Mercantilism force in Britain since the 16th century. With mercantilism, the British government strictly regulate and control the kingdom's economy.
In the 18th century, came the idea for the government to remove its interference in perkeonomian kingdom. Economic activity in the leave to the individual. With that freedom, the kingdom's economy will grow. The thought in his forward by Adam Smith.
Granting freedom to the individual to develop her economy in accordance with the mode of life industry dynamic and fast paced. In the midst of a liberal economic system, growing passion to develop the business and open a new business field. The spirit of trying it seems to be a "fertile field" for its growing industrial revolution.
• Development of Science and Technology
The development industry is supported by the development of science. Since the 16th century, Britain entered the century of thought. At that time, appeared several leading scientists in the UK, such as Isaac Newton, James Watt, Edward Jenner, and Henry Bessemer. Appearance of prominent scientists that resulted in his many new ideas emerged.
The development of science of his close association with the development of technology. Based on new ideas, humans create tools to simplify his work. Findings appear machines. The new findings was the start of the Industrial Revolution in England.
The development of industry in England Revolution

• Textile Industry
Progress in the textile industry is the starting point of the Industrial Revolution.Before the industrial revolution, spinning and weaving using a simple spinning wheel.By means of a simple spinning and weaving, the number of yarns and fabrics that produced very limited. Though it has a lot of work takes time and energy. How it works very mengandalakan hand skill that lasted until 1700. Since the year 1733, new findings appear that changed drastically in the workings of a small industry.
o Year 1733, John kay find loom called the Flying Shuttle. With human-powered machine that, in doing more quickly. As a result, the yarn spinners need more to offset the speed of the machine working.
o 1764, Janes Hargreaves invented the Spinning Jenny spun named. With human-powered machine, the yarn is on the right is more subtle and more. Consequently, in needs a lot of the Flying Shuttle to match the speed of this machine.
o In 1769, Richard Akrwright find spinning machine called the Water Frame. With a water-powered engine, the yarn produced is increasing, smooth and strong. As a result more in need more of it the Flying Shuttle.
o 1779, Samuel Compton discovered donkey-powered spinning machine called the Spinning Mule. Thus the number of Flying Shuttle and weavers who need it in more and more. As a result, the number of workers spinners and weavers become unbalanced.
o 1785, Edmund Cartwright invented called Power Loom weaving is in motion it with steam power. The findings were right to balance the number of spinners and weavers in the textile industry. Meanwhile, the amount of cloth on it more and more results.
• Iron and Steel Industry
Before the industrial revolution, ordinary wood in order not to heat up my iron ore. Then, in his charcoal added during the smelting process in that way, the production of iron lasted very long. Since the industrial revolution, coal began in guana it as fuel. In addition, it also met a new way of smelting process. The use of coal and how the new smelter, marking a remarkable progress in iron and steel industry.
o In 1710, Abraham Darby succeeded in using his core coal to melt iron.
o In 1780, Henry Cool find her a new way to produce large amounts of iron sheets.
o In 1856, Henry introduced his process of transforming raw iron from a blast furnace into steel.
Progress and new discoveries that make coal increasingly important in iron and steel industry. As a result, coal mining became the major mining sector in the UK. In addition, the location of iron and coal industry to move from area to area rich in timber and coal rich.
• Steam engine
Energy sources is an important factor in the Industrial Revolution. Before the Industrial Revolution, humans, horses and donkeys and waterwheel is a source of energy. Energy sources that are inefficient. At the beginning of the development of textile industry, machines are still in motion new findings by the power these. As a result of his machines can not work optimally.
Remarkable changes occurred after James Watt discovered the steam engine, in 1763. His machine was perfected her findings the findings of Thomas Newcomen engine. Newcomen engine of his first serves only to pump water in coal mines. In addition, this machine is also not efficient because wasteful of fuel. After Watt overcome weaknesses Newcomen engine, steam engines became more efficient and generate the more power so it can be used as a source of energy in factories.
The findings of the steam engine by James Watt brought a major impact on the industry in the UK. The machinery industry to work more optimally with a longer time span. It looked too big influence on the movement of the location of the factories. Before her, the factories are located in the vicinity of the source water because the machines in motion by the turbines. Once the steam engine is found, the factories tend to be located near coal mines.
• Transportation
During the industrial revolution, the field of transportation made progress. The progress which include the construction of canals, highways, and railroads.
o Canal, in the year 1761, in the wake Bridgewater canal. The canal connects the centers of mining coal in Manchester. Because it proved extremely beneficial, next canals in England.
o Steam Boat, in 1807, Robert Fulton, an American, find it Steam. Several years later, the steamer became public transport in Britain.
o Highway, in 1800, state highway in the UK is very bad. In 1815, John MacAdam introduce a way to build the highway. Expedite the development of transport by road
o Locomotive, 1814, George Stephenson's steam locomotive named Blucher found. The locomotive was capable of carrying six small coal wagon with a speed of 6 km per hour. In 1829, he found it a faster steam locomotive, named Rocket. Locomotives that can run with a speed of 58 km per hour.
o Railway, in 1825, built a rail in the north of England, called The Stockton and Darlington Railway. In a short time become a rail transport in addition to the canal because lebh fast.
Impact of the Industrial Revolution
• Capitalism
The Industrial Revolution marks the show its new class in society. Classes are at the mean is the owners of capital. They are known as capitalists. With the power of which is owned capital, the capitalists have industrial centers in the UK.
Appearance of the capitalists as well as in Tunjang by the elimination of economic system mercantilism. Instead, the government made liberal economic system. The government gave freedom to the individual to build the economy. In an atmosphere of freedom, the only people who have the capital strength that is able to get his success. They are no other is the Capitalist class.
Before the revolution, state-controlled economy. Since the revolution, the master of the capitalist economy. His ruling capitalists into her English as a Capitalist State. In his next, for capitalists also in power in the political field. Either directly or indirectly. For example, before the American Revolution, the British government issued a Tea Act. Which protects the interests of trade unions EIC untu master the trade in North America.
• Taking Land to Land Industria
o Shifting farmers into factory workers Profession
Reduced its agricultural land resulted in a lot of farmers lost their jobs. To make ends meet, they then work to become factory workers. Work at the plant are very different atmosphere compared to the rice fields. The workers are bound by the rules of working hours. Wages tend to be minimal.
o The Emergence of Industrial Cities
The establishment of industrial centers in the follow with its growing industrial city. In his early, around the factories and their workers' family lives, as well as residents who trade daily needs. Then in the wake of Transport and Communication facilities invite more people to come to that place.
o Shown Unions
In addition to his memuncul the capitalists, the Revolution led to another new class in society, namely the buruh.Kehadiran the workers in the industrial town is very striking because a lot of them. Because the same fate in terms of unfair treatment from the capitalists, the workers formed an organization known as the Trade Unions. This union in his intention to raise the demands of his rights and Repair welfare of the workers.
Modern Imperialism
Imperialism is the act untu expand territory by conquest of other regions. The emergence of industrial revolution lead to imperialism goals changed. Modern imperialism aims to obtain raw materials for industry and market goods industry in the colony. With a goal like that, modern imperialism treat the colonies as a source of raw materials as well as industrial markets.
A new treatment against the colonial rulers to bring consequences for the country to prosper the colonies. Prosperity is the need to do for the people in the colony able to buy the goods of the industry. Britain is a modern imperialist state. That is why, Territory British colonies tend lebh prosperous.

Selasa, 09 Oktober 2012

War Strategy

Understanding strategy
The word "strategy"in the beginning is very familiar in military circles, etymologically derived from the Greek compound word, which means troops Strategos and agein which means lead. In general, said the strategy used in military circles is often defined as the art of winning the war against the enemy with the use of force that is owned to the max. War strategy implemented a very varied country this is a lot of factors that influence such as geography, the potential of national, ideological, political, economic, social, cultural and so forth. All these factors may be cited as a means to an end. For facilities that are available will broaden or narrow the space of possible ways that can be used. More and more tools available will be many more possible ways, depending on the ability of commanders to set it in harmony.
To describe the sense strategies vary depending on the history of a nation in his experience conducting the war, the progress of science and the political approach that applies at a certain time. Some opinions about understanding the strategy of military writers, This is some Military Writer;


1. Sun Tzu. He was a renowned military expert and was the first in the list of Chinese military strategist. His real name is Sun Wu and better known as Sun Tzu: The Art of Warfare, and military theory was published in the Spring and Autumn, ie (770-476). Although the word has not presented a clear strategy but that's the strategy, Sun Tzu, said: "In all fighting, the direct method can be used to hold a battle, but indirect methods will be needed to guarantee victory, then the best way is to seize the country by the enemy within intact, and without destroying captured enemy soldiers and break the enemy's resistance without carrying out a fight. To achieve such results, it takes a brilliant commander. A skillful commander said the attack when his opponent does not know what should be retained, and he accomplished in defense if his opponent does not know what was attacked.

2. Napoleon (1769-1821). Saying "Strategy is a great tactic" What is meant by Napoleon with tactics not explained, but may mean that there are similarities between the tactics with strategy: how to mobilize a force in space and time certain to achieve that goal.But of course there is a difference Between strategy and tactics, According to the above understanding is the difference from graduel. With a strategic maneuver forces driven from the base area of ​​a battlefield into a battlefield else. While tactical maneuver to move the troops on the battlefield preparation to the target area for the purpose of defeating the enemy.

3. Clausewitz (1780-1831). Saying "Strategy is the doctrine of the use of the battle to achieve the goals and tactics of war are the teachings about the doctrine of the use of armed forces in battle.. With this definition envisaged that Clausewitz actually narrow the meaning of strategy, which is limited to use solely battle., And further provide insight, That battle was the only tool of war and Achieve Goals is the only tool for strategy. The strategy outlines a plan for the war within (1) setting goals, (2) determine the range of activities to be implemented, (3) directing the campaign, and (4) means of battle which must be carried out in each campaign.

4. Yomini (1779-1869). Says: "Strategy is the art of fighting over a map covering the whole region or theater of operations. Large Tactics is the art of putting troops on the battlefield according to the nature of the terrain, deploy and execute the battle on the field, which is different from planning on the map. In the military operation there are 3 elements the interplay of (1) the element of time plays an important role even often dominates to the achievement of victory of war (2). The element of space, because every military operation should be carried out within a certain space, too. Room has a close relationship with time, because every military operation done in time and space is limited and (3) Elemental power of motion, where the speed will affect the value of time. The ability to move an increasingly large of an army, will provide more benefits for him, and with certain advantages, will have the freedom to act and move more large

5. Burne (1833-1898). Saying "The strategy is a way of bringing the enemy into the field of battle and tactics are the way to defeat" Burne see aspects of logistics as a way of bringing the troops kemedan battle, and tactics set the action. One of the problems on the one-party strategy is to force the enemy to fight, Maybe at the time and place of our own Select. The time and place chosen course is beneficial to us.
Other terms contained in this case is that we must hold the initiative and opponents are in a waiting attitude. On the other hand is resolved, how to bring our troops into a place and at the appointed time was, or in other words how to maneuver from the base troops into battle. After the troops until the operation on the field, then start trouble tactics how to use it to defeat the enemy forces. Thus saw between strategy and tactics, which, according to Burne tactic that began after the end strategy.

6. Lidder Hart. Saying "The strategy should mean the art of using military force to achieve the goal set by political policy. He criticized the opinions about the strategy that gave priority to the battle, so he said," Achieving goals is only by fighting the war is contrary to common sense. Therefore Lidder Hart continued, that the operation of the war at higher levels, which should be the responsibility of government and not the military leaders that only an executive in the operations control

7. Andre Beaufre. Says: "Strategy is the art of applying force so as to produce the most powerful contribution towards achieving the goal set by political policy. Understanding, can be applied to all the arts of war, because the traditional art of war can be divided into strategy, tactics and logistics. Tactics is the kind of art using a weapon, in the battle to produce maximum punch. Logistics is a knowledge of the debriefing and movement. Both are concerned with material factors, because they see in nature is knowledge about the equipments, as with technical knowledge. The strategy should be based on thought and giving a reason, so he is not a knowledge of the objects or appliances and fixtures are also not a political aspect.

8. Mao Tse Tung. Said: "Science Strategy relates to the law governing the war situation as a whole. Related science with the laws governing campaign and implement the campaign in the campaign. Science tactics related to the law governing the battle was applied in the battle. In relation to strategy and tactics, then Mao tse Tung said: "The strategy and tactics have a relationship with space and time, and plays a very important role in the implementation of sustained and / or guerrilla warfare. Time and space should be used to create a favorable situation of war.The situation of war, as a whole to include the whole world, the whole country or a region guerrilla stand alone. The task of science is to study the rules of war strategy, to direct the war that includes a war situation as a whole, though the task of the campaign tactics of science and science to learn the rules of war to spread the war which covers most situations. From this description shows that the difference between strategy, campaign tactics and lies only in its scope only.

9. Indonesia. Indonesia's war strategy since the proclamation of independence on August 17, 1945 has a dynamic, adjusting to the situation that developed, political and national leadership and can not be separated from the development of the global situation. We look backward for a moment, when the war of independence, how the war strategy entered into,. Bung Hatta explained. "Everyone can be terrible even if not military, that the army of the people we must seek strength in the ways of guerrilla and scorched earth. But it must be understood more deeply. Stratagem we must avoid our strengths and weaknesses of your opponent and vice versa to find and use our strengths and weaknesses of the opponent.The strength lies in the Technische uitrusting opponent and organizations that self-contained, and modern. Therefore, we avoided open battles where he can completely shed its air force, tanks, cannon, motorization and so on. Instead we should stop our properties using static defense and should make every corners of the country so that the field of battle guerrilla inexhaustible, with effenswiteit guerrilla. For all that need a lot of preparation implementation, need appropriate division of tasks, and specialization in the task. Related with the prevailing situation,. AH Nasution wrote "Military Politics is government policy regarding the preparation and conduct of the war, which determines both the bad and the size of the potential and power of war". The charge of the political military politics ngara, even beyond that determines the political strategies from the army. And in fact the minister of defense is a military political shop.
Following the flow of the history of the nation struggle to uphold and defend the sovereignty of the country's independence, the strategy embodied in the 1945 Constitution. In article 27 and article 30 of the 45 Constitution, among other states that every citizen is entitled and required to participate in advocacy efforts to the state. Each citizen is entitled and obliged to participate in national defense and security business. That the state defense and security efforts implemented through a system of defense and security of the people of the universe by the Indonesian National Army and Police of the Republic of Indonesia, as a main component and the people as a supporting force.
Then translated again in the Law No. 3 of 2002 on State Security, which clearly is also mandated to citizens in this republic. In law it is mentioned that the system of national defense is a defense system that is the universe that involves all citizens, territories, and other national resources, and prepared at an early stage by the government and held in total, integrated, directed, and continues to uphold sovereignty state, territorial integrity, and safety of the entire nation from all threats. The nature of national defense is defensive efforts which are universal implementation is based on awareness of the rights and obligations of citizens as well as confidence in their own strength.
To realize the policy of many law devices,regulations to support the defense system of the people of the universe. However, the policies of a political product of a long waiting phase, vice versa for the soldiers from the lowest rank to highest readiness for each of the second war is the priority.Very classic motto "If you want peace prepare war." Strategy, tactics and techniques continue to be prepared every second, each beat of your breath for the continuation of state.
Strategies, Tactics and Techniques.

Understanding the different expert opinions about the war strategy that strategy, tactics and techniques is a way of carrying out a war that difference is well within the scope of the review period, the level of unity and breadth of operational areas. In an environment of military education was formulated that: Sstrategy in studying science and art of the use of equipment and power tools to achieve the goal. Tactics a way of using power tools and equipment as determined by the strategy. While the technique, a way which is determined by the tactics. Visualizing differences in strategy, tactics and techniques will be reflected in the education / training the military.
Each candidate soldiers whether to subordinate soldiers, NCO or officer who once trained first is a matter of individual movement techniques such as, apart pairs gun, shoot, cross-field and so forth. Then followed training in relationships such as team unity, platoon or even greater degree. When the soldier has engaged in such a small entity relationship squad, platoon tactics problems have started to be trained how to attack, defense and ambushes carried out. . A wide variety of tactics carried out in accordance with the level of unity it is called in a tactical exercise in the assault platoon, platoon tactics in defense or a greater level of brigade in the attack, the brigade in the defense
If a larger exercise that usually refers to the Joint Exercise between the Army (Army, Navy, Air Forces) and then became the main strategy of the major problems how to deal with an aggressor attacks threaten national sovereignty.It is true what is said by Yomini that "Strategy is the art of fighting over a map that covers the entire region or theater of operations. Tactics is the art of putting troops on the battlefield according to the nature of the spread, terrain, and do battle on the field, which is different from the plan on a map of The General, / Marshal / Admiral control all movement on the map above operations plus all-round development of digital technology all unitary control can be monitored in audio and visual.
In this joint exercise will clearly describe the relationship between strategy, tactics and techniques that provide support to one another.No benefit strategy when the ability of the captains of the subordinate officers as tactical forces do not have the initiative to maneuver on the battlefield and the soldiers do not have the technical ability in the cross-field and destroy the enemy with the tip of a bayonet. Conversely, if war can be won not be denied at all levels perform their functions. This has been described by Burne that "Strategy is a way of bringing the enemy into the field of battle and tactics are the way to defeat it.
Characteristics of War Strategy.

War strategy is as old as human life, in accordance with the development of human progress in thought to make ends meet once thought to defend Himself, his group and his country. Now the strategy of war continue to be developed.Beside the technology Contribute significantly to facilitate good war or a war a war of physical form of psychology. However, the characteristics of war remain valid today, as outlined below:
1. Setting goals. War strategy must define the desired goals because goals will influence government policy in preparing the country's armed forces for war.
2. Estimating the ability of the opponent. Strategy War threats that might try to estimate and predict the opponent's ability to continuously follow every move of the opponent.
3. Estimating the strength of its own. War strategy must consider the capacity yourself, calculate the national potential in particular the potential for a war that can be mobilized at any time
4. Estimating the state of Environment. War Strategy notice state of environment as a venue for war in a broad scope Such as geostrategy, geopolitics That Affect will from both the Opposition and his own party.
5. Taking into account the factors of space and time. War strategy must consider space and time are available as both have close links related to each other.
6. Estimating an alternative way of acting. Prepared War strategy is based on conditions prevailing then analyzed include motion analysis,axis analysis, dynamic analysis and formulate alternatives that must be done to counteract or destroy the enemy. in order to achieve those objectives
7. Develop the stages of activity. Strategy War never stop as long as the country still exist and therefore a strategy to focus on dividing the steps in the phase-phase should be done to achieve goals

Characteristics tactics
The military education is taught that the tactics of how to use power tools and equipment specified by the strategy. Therefore, although both have the same meaning that is the way but their points of view and space scope is different. It can be described as follows;
1. Setting goals. Tactics formulate goals called basic tasks as translation command a higher command or initiative based on field commanders of the situation. Main tasks are formulated in one complete sentence that answers the who, what, when, where and in what order closed with the emphasis should be on the order of the following activities
2. Estimating the ability of the opponent. Tactics always pay attention to the ability of opponents to be faced with combat intelligence to conduct reconnaissance patrols shaped so knowing concretely how the power of the enemy, his position, the structure of combat, the equipment if possible circumstances troop morale, and the possibility of reinforcements.
3. Calculating the power of its own. Tactics require menghitung own strength of his troops as comparison material on the ability of opponents, including the possibility of neighboring troops and commandos of which will strengthen.
4. Estimating the state of Environment. Tactics are not talking about a wide environment but of special concern is the state of terrain and weather conditions in place will force maneuver. Aspects of the field under consideration is the terrain of criticism, review and field firing range, protected review / fire protection, road approach and obstacles. While aspects of weather including air temperature, wind. temperature and precipitation.
5. Taking into account the factors of space and time. Not unlike the strategy, tactics have to consider space and time are available as both have close links related to each other. Therefore, the planning time is always during the early stages of planning so that all activity of operations H and Hours A Day has been determined from the beginning.
6. Estimating an alternative way of acting. Not unlike the strategy of tactics based on the prevailing conditions both mkeadaan enemy and then dianlisis include motion analysis, axis analysis, dynamic analysis and formulate alternatives to be That must be done to counteract or destroy the enemy. in order to Achieve those objectives. This is where the key point in analyzing the ability of commanders to act the way I act alone confronts possibility dihadapakan with the possibility of acting Opposite Way. So found a way to act best with answers on how to attack / defenseperformed
7. Develop the stages of activity. Tactics also develop phase-phase, depending on the extent of area of ​​responsibility, time terseia and what activities will be conducted. Surely the preparation stages of attack and defense will be different.

The description above gives a brief overview how the strategy undertaken by the Armed Forces of any country. Each country has its own advantages so that no country is the strongest and most dominant all have weak points. Maybe a lot of people say the most superior United States armed forces both on land, sea and air. But history proves that America may win battles but not necessarily win the war. The fact proves That the United States has not been Able to control Iraq, Afghanistan in full and the resistance to this day continues to go on war tactics. It is true that Sun Tzu says that the best way to ensure a victory it is to seize the country by the enemy in one piece, and captured enemy soldiers without destroying and breaking the enemy's resistance without carrying out a fight
Now the technology of war continues to grow, as long as humans developing world continue to seek new solutions to win the war. But the principles remain the strategy held firm, staying longer art warlords to regulate the rhythm of the war to an end.

Comprehension Strategies We

Understanding the war strategy as described above, further developed, the strategy is not only required at the time of the war, but also in times of peace. The strategy not only used in military circles, but for us all. Every day in human life strategy is needed therefore not have a strategy of war but the army is for us all. Anyone can use the word "my strategy", "your strategy" for the sake of convenience we call it "OUR STRATEGY"
The term strategy is almost no limit anyone can wear them. Let's look at interviews journalist to a badminton player who had just won the game:
Reporter: Hello, congratulations you have won this match with great difficulty, what is your strategy when you are depressed then you can regardless of the pressure?
Badminton player: Thank you all your prayers . Indeed, at first I was very depressed and smash the opponent who always makes my right rear corner of difficulty to return it after a while I think ahead and I quickly changed strategy by not giving the opponent the opportunity to perform smash and I did a short ball and the opponent was forced to lift the ball and I turned to smash. And finally I hold the initiative and win
We hear all this talk of two traders
Mr Ahmad: I heard from your friend, that a few years ago you often had difficulty in marketing your products? And now I see your products flooding the market and the talk of the crowd, what strategy you use so That your company is not only still exist and even Prosper exist
Mr. Nasir: Alhamdulillah. God bless my efforts. No grandiose strategy I believe in God that God pity the people who are honest and responsible and keep their promises. I am always honest with my customers and be responsible if any damage to goods due to negligence of my company and I tried to keep their promises to both the suppliers and distributors. With this simple strategy to date as you see me selling goods on the market, competitors' Well I seem to confused
Lately Head of the Regional Electoral atmosphere both the District and Provincial level, with a lively place. Certainly there are losers and there is a win. One of the candidates have a major defeat. whereas prior to the implementation of the elections is expected to earn the victory. In the evaluation of the dialogue occurs.
Questioner: We were surprised that we will defeat nature, to see the results of our poll are always seeded. Where is the error "our strategy" so that we are failing, let alone finished runner-up winner jai was not, how ni ya.
Opinion A: There are no weaknesses "our strategy" it feels just right from planning to execution Seems just wrong, that certainly in. We lied to by the Commission, and the nuances of political money seems so rampant in all lines
Opinion B: It's not cheating, because it was a landslide defeat, the bags that we expect far superior but missed. I has an assurance that something is wrong in managing strategy. When it comes to political money alone honest we did, maybe we are lacking a lot.
Opinions C. True there is something wrong in our camp, We May always insulted with the results of the poll, We do not hear people's opinions in real terms. We're only hearing of the formal meeting. And certainly We Are less successful control of the team, too trusting and for sure Also there is a gap in the preparation strategy,we only calculate the strength of their own and do not dare admit our weaknesses, and we are preoccupied with ourselves and forget to move your opponent. We never read a competitor's strategy, and we are busy with excellence and forget the drawbacks.
Three of this dialogue is imagination but the reality on the ground must occur. Three of this dialogue illustrates that the strategy needed in the movement of individuals, groups or large organizations. Strategies are needed by the military, athletes, merchants and even politicians. People do not care this is the strategy or tactics in this important and this is a strategy
The use of strategies and strategy types.
Prof. Dr. Sondra P Siagian in his management of the national development process claim, that the use of the term strategy in the context of national development was indeed no relevance because the national development is the increasing ability to win the war. "In which a conscious state and nation and by choice involved for the fight against poverty, misery, injustice and other social ills. In conjunction with wisdom Prof. Dr. Sondra P Siagian said that the term strategic policy and in the same breath as the very closely related, both in terms of the terms of its formulation and in terms of its opersionalisasi in Achieving the objectives of a nation and state.
About the types of strategies according to Prof. Dr. Sondra P Siagian in his book Modern Management Events Calendar, explained there are 5 types of strategies are:
First: The classification is based on the scope, ie
a. Master strategy, which includes basic mission, goals and objectives and public policy.
b. Program strategy. A narrower scope of coverage above and only include things that are formulated in the field of use of existing sources of good energy, physical infrastructure and other facilities in order to achieve the basic goals of the organization.
c. Sub Strategy, for a more narrow scope again, in a sense it is related to the business operational.
Second: Also cans Strategy be classified on the basis of the level of validity Within the organization, Such as;
a. Authority headquarters
b. Powers Branch
c. Division of authority, his etc..
Third: Another strategy is also known for his strategy is based on objects, such as material resources, personnel, finance and so forth.
Fourth: The strategy can also be classified based on the purpose and function of the strategy. For example
a. Organization's growth strategy
b. Marketing strategy
c. Production Strategy
d. Etc.
Fifth: The strategy of the manager. These strategies Arise as a result the adopted philosophy of life, motivation, mobilization techniques subordinates and the like are held by a manager of the WHO in turn form the "style " of leadership.
Aalthough the strategy we are always associated with the military problems of the which is strongly associated with the art and science.Now science has the meaning and role of strategy is very important for every organization in order to achieve its objectives.
1. The Commander of the War is always proactive against the prevailing conditions to guarantee the future, it is no different for the head of the organization more proactive in looking to the future
2. The strategy provides a long-term direction to be addressed.
3. Strategies help organizations adapt to the environment
4. With the operational strategy is more effective and efficient organization. With a small sacrifice that reap huge profits
5. With the strategy of helping organizations to identify opportunities, barriers strengths and weaknesses. A strategist can see the environmental situation quickly and accurately
6. With strategies facilitate decision-making process undertaken organizational leadership
7. Strategies to integrate the activities of the various components to the goals and objectives that have been determined.

Sabtu, 06 Oktober 2012

Brigade Of Gurkha Born To War

Gurkha sebenarnya bukanlah Special Force, namun mereka dikenal dengan reputasinya yang menakutkan. Ada 2 suku di Nepal yang dikenal masyarakat luas, yaitu Sherpa yang dikenal sebagai suku pendaki / pemandu di Himalaya, satu lagi Gurkha, yang gemar berperang.
Semasa zaman kolonial sewaktu terjadi Perang di Nepal, Inggris begitu terkesan atas kegigihan dari pasukan Gurkha kemudian merekrut mereka bekerja untuk East India Company di India dan British Army.
Gurkha terkenal dengan kemampuan berperangnya yang alamiah, agresif di medan pertempuran, tidak takut mati, loyalitas yang tinggi, tahan dalam berbagai medan, fisik yang kuat dan pekerja keras. Sehingga Gurkha begitu disegani oleh kawan, ditakuti oleh lawan.
Semula mereka menjadi tentara bayaran (mercenaries) akhirnya masuk dalam jajaran British Army yang digaji layaknya tentara Inggris sendiri atau legiun asing pada umumnya. Mereka mempunyai unit sendiri dengan nama Brigade of Gurkha sebagai salah satu bagian dari jajaran top angkatan bersenjata Inggris.
Dibentuk sejak tahun 1815, Pasukan Gurkha telah terlibat dalam berbagai medan pertempuran bersama Inggris. Ketika berkecamuk PD I sebanyak 100.000 prajurit Gurkha masuk dalam Brigade of Gurkha.
Mereka ikut bertempur di medan perang Perancis, Mesopotamia, Persia, Mesir, Gallipoli, Palestina dan Salonika. Mereka mendapatkan 2 penghargaan bergengsi Victoria Crosses.
Brigade of Gurkha dalam pelatihan.
Pada PD II sebanyak 112.000 tentara Gurkha bersama Pasukan aliansi Commonwealth bahu membahu dalam perang di Suriah, Afrika Utara, Italia dan Yunani sampai Malaysia dan Singapura mereka mendapat 10 Victoria Crosses.
Seiring dengan pengalaman tempurnya yang mengunung, Gurkha menjelma menjadi kekuatan yang mengerikan, bahkan melebihi pasukan elit sekalipun.
Semasa berkecamuk perang Malvinas (Falkland War, 1982), dalam suatu front pertempuran, Inggris mempropagandakan kepada pihak militer Argentina akan menyertakan 1 batalyon Gurkha-nya. Mendengar itu tentara Argentina lari tunggang langgang meninggalkan pos-pos mereka.
Sewaktu PD II di front pertempuran Tunisia (Afrika Utara), pasukan Gurkha sudah kehabisan amunisi mereka membuang senapan-senapan, berlarian naik ke atas tank-tank Jerman di tengah-tengah hujan peluru dan menggorok tentara Jerman dengan senjata tradisional mereka, khukri.
Khukri adalah sejenis pisau yang berbentuk unik sedikit melengkung mengarah ke depan. Di disain khusus sedemikian rupa, sehingga dapat menebas leher dengan sekali babatan bersih.
Ada sedikit cerita mengenai khukri, sekali khukri dihunus dari sarangnya pantang tidak meminum darah. Itulah sebabnya tentara Gurkha ketika sehabis mengasah / membersihkan khukri selalu mengiris jari tangannya.
Mana yang lebih ditakuti?
Tentara Norwegia yang tinggi besar ini atau Gurkha yang kecil mungil?
Saat ini bukan hanya Inggris yang merekrut Gurkha dalam jajaran pasukannya, Singapura, India, Malaysia, Brunei, Hongkong (sebelum penyerahan ke RRC) tercatat memakai Gurkha dalam kesatuan angkatan bersenjata mereka. Bahkan di Brunei, Gurkha dipakai sebagai Special Force Penjaga Sultan Brunei.

Teori Big Bang Sudah Tercantum Dalam Al-Qur`an

Big Bang (terjemahan bebas: Ledakan Dahsyat atau Dentuman Besar) dalam kosmologi adalah salah satu teori ilmu pengetahuan yang menjelaskan perkembangan dan bentuk awal dari alam semesta. Teori ini menyatakan bahwa alam semesta ini berasal dari kondisi super padat dan panas, yang kemudian mengembang sekitar 13.700 juta tahun lalu.
Para ilmuwan juga percaya bawa Big Bang membentuk sistem tata surya. Ide sentral dari teori ini adalah bahwa teori relativitas umum dapat dikombinasikan dengan hasil pemantauan dalam skala besar pada pergerakan galaksi terhadap satu sama lain, dan meramalkan bahwa suatu saat alam semesta akan kembali atau terus. Konsekuensi alami dari Teori Big Bang yaitu pada masa lampau alam semesta punya suhu yang jauh lebih tinggi dan kerapatan yang jauh lebih tinggi.
Pada tahun 1929 Astronom Amerika Serikat, Edwin Hubble melakukan observasi dan melihat Galaksi yang jauh dan bergerak selalu menjauhi kita dengan kecepatan yang tinggi. Ia juga melihat jarak antara Galaksi-galaksi bertambah setiap saat. Penemuan Hubble ini menunjukkan bahwa Alam Semesta kita tidaklah statis seperti yang dipercaya sejak lama, namun bergerak mengembang. Kemudian ini menimbulkan suatu perkiraan bahwa Alam Semesta bermula dari pengembangan di masa lampau yang dinamakan Dentuman Besar.
Pada saat itu dimana Alam Semesta memiliki ukuran nyaris nol, dan berada pada kerapatan dan panas tak terhingga; kemudian meledak dan mengembang dengan laju pengembangan yang kritis, yang tidak terlalu lambat untuk membuatnya segera mengerut, atau terlalu cepat sehingga membuatnya menjadi kurang lebih kosong. Dan sesudah itu, kurang lebih jutaan tahun berikutnya, Alam Semesta akan terus mengembang tanpa kejadian-kejadian lain apapun. Alam Semesta secara keseluruhan akan terus mengembang dan mendingin.
Alam Semesta berkembang, dengan laju 5%-10% per seribu juta tahun. Alam Semesta akan mengembang terus,namun dengan kelajuan yang semakin kecil,dan semakin kecil, meskipun tidak benar-benar mencapai nol. Walaupun andaikata Alam Semesta berkontraksi, ini tidak akan terjadi setidaknya untuk beberapa milyar tahun lagi.

Cara Pasang Iklan Di Blog

Tutorial Cara Pasang Iklan di Blog. Baiklah berlanjut pada tutorial ke-2 tentang Cara Pasang Iklan Otomatis di Bawah Postingan. Cara ini cukup ampuh membantu kita memasang setiap iklan di dalam postingan secara otomatis. Jadi kita tidak perlu repot-repot lagi memasang satu persatu iklan karena nantinya secara otomatis akan muncul dengan sendirinya di bawah postingan. 
Langsung saja kita praktekkan Cara Pasang Iklan Otomatis di Bawah Posting Blog berikut ini :
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Baca Selengkapnya di : Cara Pasang Iklan Otomatis di Bawah Postingan | AF Sahabat Artikel http://abyfarhan7.blogspot.com/2012/03/cara-pasang-iklan-otomatis-di-bawah.html#ixzz28UIaUgDu

Genghis Khan Mongolian Nation Unites

The man who became the greatest conqueror the world comes from Mongolia. Nation Mongolia is a nomadic ethnic group in the steppes north of the big wall. They are divided into several tribes. In 1206 AD, which originated from the tribe Temudjin Borjigin defeating other tribes and unite Mongolia. He was elected with the title of Great Khan. Genghis Khan means "god of courage and light" or "Emperor of the universe".

He founded a series of military and political institutions, promoting the use of language and culture of Mongolia and expand its influence into neighboring countries. Mongolian troops attacked the Western Xia in 1205 AD, 1207 AD and 1209 AD, and Xia forced to surrender in Mongolia as a state.

Year 1211 AD, Mongolian forces launched an offensive into the Jurchen. In 1215 AD, Zhongdu controlled by the forces of Genghis Khan's Mongolia and turn it into Yangjin. Year 1219 AD, Genghis Khan led the 200,000 strong army for the military expedition to the West. His army defeated Khwarazm, a State center who is now in the territory of Uzbekistan, and then retain some countries in central Asia. Front row is also master of Western Europe and North Iran before returning back.
After Genghis Khan died, his successor went on an expedition to the West. During the second expedition to the West, Moscow's troops defeated Mongolia and the Russian conquest. Then the troops were divided into two groups. One attack Poland and others attacked Hungary, The Mongols jugamenguasai Iran and Iraq, into Syria and Egypt approached.
During the first Western expedition, Genghis Khan ruled the land distributed to the children and grandchildren. Western Expeditionary launched by Genghis Khan and his successors led to the founding of the Mongolian empire, which spread between Asia to Europe. There are four kingdoms, Kipchak Khan Region, Region of the Great Khan, Regional Chagadai Khan, and Khan Region II.

Ethnicity Of Spartans

Sparta is known as the state holder of military force can never be compared in its time by any country, under the authority of the ancient Greek military Sparta. They never worked, all meals and tasks etc. performed by the slaves which they obtained from the territory which they had defeated.
Control of the slaves so as not to obscure the work at hand while at the teenager Sparta.
The greatness of Sparta forces increasingly visible during the battle of Thermopylae. This event is depicted in the movie titled "300" where 300 Spartans who valiantly swept thousands of the enemy whose numbers many times the number of them. Persian forces led by Xerxes against Greece at Thermopylae in 480 BC.

Fleet of Xerxes' Persian ships had sailed along the coastline from northern Greece to the Gulf of Malia on the eastern Aegean Sea towards the mountains at Thermopylae. The Greeks faced the Persian army at the narrow point that there is only one road between Thessaly and Central Greece. Spartan King Leonidas is the general who led the Greek troops who tried to resist the Persian army a lot, to delay them, and they keep attacking from the rear of the Greek navy, which is under the control of Athens. Leonidas may wish to block them long enough for Xerxes had sailed away to seek food and water.

After the festival Carnea, more soldiers who came to help the Spartans defend Thermopylae against the Persians. Unfortunately for Leonidas, after a few days, a traitor named Ephialtes led the Persian medizing walked through the back of the Greek army, so minimize the chances of the Greek victory. Ephialtes is Anopaea (or Anopaia). Is the location of the contested

On the third day, Leonidas led 300 Spartans, plus their allies from Thespiae Boeotia and Thebes, against Xerxes and his army, including "10,000 Gods. " Spartan-led army, fought against the Persian force that was unstoppable for their deaths, blocking long enough to make Xerxes and his forces prevail against the Greek army while the rest escaped.